Thursday, September 19, 2024

Final final beats

Day. Hunter and Chloe watch the paramedic truck drive away. They return to house through garage.

Doc 1. What's next and Tom's Stetson cologne.

Wanda, Ruth and Gil, airport.

Chloe, with Barbara, Jan and John, driving. Re Hunter's Kerrville itinerary.

Sess with Claire gets Jackie's call. 

Hunter and Jackie in bed. More re Olivia, Tom, Reno and Carson City, diaphragm as birth control.

That night. Hunter in guest room, Tom's entry in the guest book.

Daisy at home. Call from Wanda at Ruth's.

Next day. Hunter leaves in Tom's truck. The glove compartment.

Gil with Maria and the boys, re "tomorrow."

Chloe with Barbara, Jan and John on boat at Lake Nacimiento. "What do we know about Ruth?" Chloe tells them. And ties a Honda knot.

Wanda with Ruth on porch. Re the storm. Sound of engine, Hunter's arrival.

That night. Ruth, Wanda, Hunter at dining room table, bottle of wine. Re Gil. Long way re Bandera Cemetery.

Jackie gets Hunter's call from Ruth's guest room. An entry in the guest book, marked by a photo, from Clem and Daisy.

Chloe in her SLO bedroom, watching a video from Horse Day, Hunter's facetime call, Barbara enters. "Take pictures" re Gil Day.

Next morning. Jan and John sunrise power-walk.

Hunter, Ruth and Wanda at Bandera Cemetery. Re Tom's ashes and Daisy's bidegradeable urn re Clem and lake.  

Barbara and Brian.

Gil on deck, ranch in limestone, driveway emerges from oaks. Sound of engine before the truck into view. Intros and into the house.

Chloe and a cowboy encounter. 

Fort Park at Rancho Mendoza. The sound of the two ATV's before their arrival, the boys in one, Hunter and Gil in the other. On the land, the family to Vietnam and Gil's Bangkok selfies with Tom. When Hunter's back next week. Maria's ringtone. Away they go.

Maria, Ruth and Wanda in the kitchen. Sound of ATV's before they pass through frame of big window view to oaks and open land.

That night, Ruth's deck, rain and thunder. Ice cream and Hunter's backstory.

Gil in den with tequila and Bangkok selfies with Tom.

Next morning. Hunter leaves in Tom's truck, with his boots and hat. Wanda and Ruth re Daisy. 

Hunter driving through salt flat, distant mountains, the flat. The manual.

John and Jan call Hunter, having fixed flat. Re calling Wanda and Ruth. Congrats re bestseller. Harley Tom's arrival, strong resemblance to the cowboy in Hunter's dream. Re the truck and "it was my father's"

Guest room, sound of Hunter entering house and nearing. He enters, places Tom's hat on rack, boots near the desk. He enters bathroom, Tom's cologne.

Two weeks later.  Doc 2.

November. Hawaii. 

March. At Jan and John's Chloe birthday truck surprise when Hunter arrives. Keys to Chloe. John and Jan in for a ride into the sunset. Hunter and Barbara, watch, enter house, arms around each other. 


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