Wednesday, August 21, 2024

scene 31



Brian and BRIAN'S DAD, 70-something, sit in the stands behind the backstop, their attention on the PITCHER, 19, on the mound throwing to CATCHER, 19, behind the plate. A COACH, 60ish, stands behind the pitcher to observe. Green rolling hills beyond the outfield fence. In a batting cage away from this action a HITTER takes his swings against the pitching machine fed baseballs by ANOTHER COACH. The BAT PING indicates aluminum. In the bullpen area PITCHER 2 throws to CATCHER 2.

All on the field wear shirts and ballcaps making clear they play for CUESTA COLLEGE. The pitcher's fastballs POP THE CATCHER'S MITT with 90-mile-an-hour velocity.

DAD: You get along with Clodagh?

BRIAN: Chloe. So far so good. 

DAD: You said she plays softball?

BRIAN: She's a stud. All-league last year and already getting letters. She surfs. 

DAD: Does she know you do?

BRIAN: Yes. We're gonna hit the pier when she's back from her dad's.

The pitcher indicates to the catcher with his glove motion that he will be throwing curve balls. The pitches bend late and drop straight down to low in the strike zone a batter would present.

DAD: He's throwing it harder. 

BRIAN: And changed the grip. Been playing with a splitter, too. Wanna come?

DAD: Surfing?

BRIAN: Yeah.

DAD: Where?

BRIAN: Pismo.

DAD: She'd be cool with that?

BRIAN: I think so but I'll ask.

DAD: Will Barbara be there?

BRIAN: In the water taking pictures.

DAD: Sure. I'll dust off the longboard.

BRIAN: Cool.

The pitcher gives the catcher a thumb's up. The catcher jogs to the pitching mound where he and the pitcher and the coach convene in conversation that lasts a few moments before the pitcher walks to Brian and Brian's dad, who both stand and meet pitcher at the backstop. The coach and catcher take their conversation to a dugout. 

DAD: Lookin' good.


DAD: More pop and movement.

PITCHER: Two-seamer.

DAD: It works.

PITCHER: Thanks, gramps. So I'm gonna ice up.

BRIAN: Meet at the car?

PITCHER: Fifteen minutes.

BRIAN: See ya there.

Pitcher jogs away.

DAD: How's he doing with the breakup?

BRIAN: Better. It will help being up here. 

DAD: Right.

BRIAN: Speaking of breakups.

DAD: Okay.

BRIAN: The divorce is final tomorrow.

DAD: I remembered it's getting close.

BRIAN: We had a good talk last week.

DAD: I'm glad to hear that, Brian.

BRIAN: She says hello.

DAD: I'll email her. 


DAD: Wish her the best.  

Bran puts arm around Dad, who puts arm around Brian. 

BRIAN: Love you, dad.

DAD: Love you, son.

They walk out of frame.