Thursday, September 26, 2024

final beats 18 and 19



Wanda PRINTS the selfie that Tom has taken that includes Hunter and Chloe. Ream of glossy paper and frame. She frames the picture, leaves room into hall.


Piano. Ruth enters from hall, places the same picture, framed, on the bookshelf next to Hunter's three books, smiles as she stares at the picture before leaving into hall.

19. EXT.  PATIO - N



Hunter, Chloe and Tom around the table post-meal, silverware on cleaned plates, glasses of water and the pitcher.  MONSOON CLOUDS obscure the moon. DISTANT THUNDER.

HUNTER: So Tom, do you and Wanda have any plans for your twenty-fifth?

TOM: Goin' to Hawaii.

CHLOE: Cool. Which island?

TOM: Oahu. Stayin' the first few nights in Honolulu, doin' the Waikiki thing, and the last few on what's called the North Shore.

CHLOE: Sweet. 

HUNTER: Have you been before?

TOM: No sir. First time for both of us. Y'all prob'ly been.

Chloe nods.

HUNTER: We have. 

CHLOE: Are you excited?

TOM: We are. Not so much about the flyin' part but that's part a the package.

CHLOE: Doing a luau?

TOM: Luau, sunset cruise, ridin' horses on the beach. She don't believe it but I'm takin' a surfin' lesson.


TOM: I'm sure I'll be fallin' off before I get the hang of it, but I'm guess' it's a softer landin' than comin' off a horse. Far as I can tell Waikiki's a good place to learn.

CHLOE: It is.

TOM: Do you surf?

Chloe nods.

CHLOE: I learned on Maui.

TOM: How old were ya?

CHLOE: My eleventh birthday.

TOM: Take a lesson?

CHLOE: My mom.

TOM:  Do you surf, Hunter?

HUNTER: I have but it's been awhile. 

TOM: Where do ya surf outta San Luis Obispo?

CHLOE: Pismo mostly. If you know where that is.

TOM:  I do. Was there for a few days about a million years ago.

CHLOE: What were you doing, if you don't mind me asking.

TOM: Y'all can ask me anything ya want, anytime. I was out there doin' a little wranglin' for one a the Hollywood studios.

CHLOE/TOM: Really?

TOM: Not long, couple months. Had a friend who knew a fella and a matter a good timin'. Anyway, me and this friend had some free time, drove up the coast to Pismo Beach, did some fishin', spent a couple nights. 

CHLOE: How old were you?

TOM: Twenty-four. 


HUNTER: Here it is.

TOM: Got plenty in Albuquerque last night. Put me right to sleep. Speakin' a which, if y'all'll excuse me, I reckon I'll give my wife and sister the call they're waitin' for and get on to bed.

He stands.

TOM (cont.) Chloe, I sure hope you'll share that casserole recipe 'cause that was delicious. Thank you.

CHLOE: I'll share. After you tell us a little more about your wrangling over breakfast. 

TOM: Deal.  

They shake on it.

CHLOE: Cool.

TOM: Goodnight, y'all.

CHLOE/HUNTER: Goodnight, Tom.

TOM: Can I take them plates in?

CHLOE: No. You're our guest.

TOM: Thank y'all so much for your kindness and generosity.   

HUNTER: Don't forget to sign the guest book.

TOM: I won't.

Hunter and Chloe watch him walk to house, enter kitchen, leave view.

CHLOE: I'm gonna call mom. 

HUNTER: If there's a horse for him and he can and wants to come along -


Hunter smiles, gets phone, speaks into it.

HUNTER: Jackie.


She's right here with me. 

Can't wait. In fact that's why I called. We have a surprise visitor and are wondering if there's any chance your cousin can find another horse.


