Sunday, July 7, 2024

scene 13



Tom's truck in the driveway. Down the road the Rover approaches from the direction Tom had come. The garage door opens, Rover arrives.


Hunter drives into garage, parks, turns off engine. Chloe keeps her eyes on the truck until the closing garage door obscures it from view. She looks to Hunter, who looks back. 

HUNTER: You know that he would not be here if I had the slightest sliver of a doubt.

CHLOE: Dad, you let a complete stranger with a pickup truck drop from the sky and occupy your house for three hours. 

Hunter smiles, nods.

CHLOE (CONT.): And I know mom wouldn't allow it unless she had absolute faith and trust in your judgment.

He kisses her forehead.

HUNTER: Ready?

CHLOE: Or not.

They unbuckle, exit Rover, enter house. 

scene 12



Hunter pulls along a pink roller-bag. CHLOE, 16, the surfer and softball player in the photos, in running shoes and sporty-fashionable tracksuit, her hair in a tail out the back of her ballcap with an embroidered C above the bill. Her jungle-camouflage backpack hangs from a broad shoulder.  

C: And I was nervous about meeting Jackie.

H: Well Jackie's nervous about meeting you. 

C: Horse day still on?

H: She'll be by around ten. 

C: What's he driving.

H: An old pickup.

C: Beat up?

H: Great condition externally. Engine sounds healthy.     

Hunter CHIRPS the Rover. Roller-bag and backpack in, then them, Hunter at the wheel.


C: Dad?

H: Chloe?

C: You seem utterly unfazed.

H: I'm stupefied, sweetheart. Buckle up.

They buckle, he starts the engine, backs out of frame. 

scene 11



BARBARA, mid-40s and JOHN and JAN, 70-somethings, at one of three outside tables. Glass doors show OTHER PATRONS inside the rustic establishment off the two-lane road lined on both sides by oak trees. Five cars, two motorcycles in the dirt lot fenced by split-rail.   

Barbara in running shoes, jeans, long-sleeve tee with SWIM SLO on the front. Jan in casual Martha Stewart would give a thumbs-up. John's loafers the color of the belt around the waist of his khaki slacks. Forest-green polo shirt. His wedding band is wide gold. Jan's diamond on silver ring would catch and keep a high-end jeweler's eye. Two similar-in-style name-brand bags hang from the back of the unoccupied chair. Remnants of their lunch on plates and in bowls, each with a bottled mineral water. 

RUMBLE OF MOTORYCLES NEARING before they arrive, a pack of several that pass and disappear around a bend down the road.

JAN: So...tell me again about you know of the specifics of Olivia and Tom Walker. My recollection is that it was, well, a fling? A fleeting encounter and she could not find him to tell him about Hunter.

BARB: Mom, that's pretty much an accurate description of what I know.

JAN: Olivia was in Reno for theatre, Tom was in town for the rodeo.

BARB: Olivia was there to audition for a play at what was then called the Pioneer Theatre. Tom had finished a job at a ranch and was in town for the rodeo on his way to Mexico for his next job. They met in at the slot machines in a casino, hit it off, went for a drive around Lake Tahoe the next day. A fire changed their route back to Reno through Carson City, where they had dinner and continued hitting it off to the degree that they spent the night at what was called the Pony Express Hotel.  

JOHN: I wonder how he found out about Hunter.

BARBARA: He said that's his first question. 

JAN: It would be good to get a picture.

BARBARA: I strongly made the same suggestion. 

JOHN: I wonder if Chloe knows.

BARBARA: He told her when she called from Phoenix. I'll give you a full report when she calls tonight.

MURMUR OF PATRONS when the WAITRESS, 20-something, comes out.

WAITRESS: Looks like those plates want to be taken away.

JOHN: Thank you very much. Lunch was delicious and we appreciate your help.

WAITRESS: Thank you, my pleasure. Coffee before you go?

Jan, John and Barbara look at each other. Barbara and Jan nod.

JOHN: Yes, please. And make mine a doppio.

WAITRESS: Coming up. And plates away in a jiffy.

MURMUR OF PATRONS when she goes back in.

JOHN: A middle name would be helpful, if possible.


MURMUR OF PATRONS when BUSBOY, 20-something, comes out.

scene 10



Bed aimed at wall-mounted big-screen TV. Lamp and remote on nightstand. PAINTING tbd above the bed's headboard. Tom's hat on rack near open door to closed door across the hall. Tom's suitcase on the bed and Tom at the desk, gazing out the window to the back yard and mountains, phone in hand. A globe, etch-a-sketch, pencil and pen on legal pad share the desk with a lamp and guest book. FAINT TIK-TOK of the grandfather clock (just now added to the foyer).


RUTH and GIL, 70-somethings, in rocking chairs on the shaded porch aimed at the modest front yard and street lined by similar single-level homes along both sides of the quiet leafy street. Texas plates on the 1972 Porsche 911 in the driveway and the Chevrolet pickup truck in the across-the-street neighbor's.

A pitcher of iced lemonade on the barrel between them, full glasses in their hands. Ruth in tennis shoes, knee-length khaki, short-sleeve tee, WIMBERLEY across the front. A visor hangs from the back of her rocker. Gil in cowboy boots, jeans, bold bronze longhorn buckle, western shirt with pearl snap-buttons. Cowboy hat on a knee.

RUTH: I just remembered Maria and the boys are coming up soon.

GIL: Tomorrow. Disappointed to miss Wanda.

RUTH: Me too.

She fishes phone from pocket when it RINGTONES the Willie Nelson instrumental, Bandera.

RUTH: Howdy.

Just back from Fredericksburg with peaches, now on the front porch with lemonade. Where are you?

(Her face expresses her surprise. She looks to Gil, who looks back.)

I'm here, Tom. You can imagine I'm more than a little surprised. 

I'm sure she was. So what's the plan?


I'll be here. And Tom, take a picture, okay?

Love you too. 

I'll tell him.

(She sets phone down.)

GIL: Bated breath.

RUTH: Tom's at Hunter's. Hunter is on the way to the airport to pick up his daughter. Tom will spend the night and leave in the morning.

GIL: Híjole.



Tom at desk stares at guestbook, phone in hand. The roadrunner leaves. Tom stands, puts phone in pants pocket, finds lighter and pack of cigarettes in suitcase, puts them in shirt pocket, walks to door, gets hat, enters hallway, the KNOCKING OF BOOTS ON HARDWOOD FADE at last to silence moments before Tom steps into frame of desk above window, stands at the stone wall, lights a cigarette from pack he pulls from pocket, takes a puff and after while another, staring toward the mountains.