Tom and Chloe, Tom's hat on the rack.
CHLOE: Do you have an idea what he's going to bring back?
TOM: Well, when he said photograph I remember your grandmother takin' a picture with an instamatic camera she picked up when we stopped for lunch in South Lake Tahoe. An old school selfie of us in the lake with our pants rolled up.
Hunter enters, envelope in hand.
CHLOE: He remembers.
HUNTER: I heard. Any details would of course be greatly appreciated.
TOM: Well, the part a the lake we were at is called Zephyr Cove. I reckon ya know that already. I'll prob'ly repeat a lotta what your mother told ya.
HUNTER: That's alright.
TOM: We parked, walked down to the beach, she took off her moccasin style boots that was popular at the time, rolled up her light blue corduroys to her knees, I did the same with my boots and jeans, we walked out, she took the picture. Didn't know she was left-handed til she held the camera away from us.
HUNTER: Parked what before you walked to the beach?
TOM: I was drivin' a Chevy C ten. A pickup.
CHLOE: What else was she wearing, if you remember.
TOM: She had a suede floppy hat that matched the moccasins. She wore them mirror-type reflective sunglasses. A forest green light sweater over a white shirt with collars. A silver bracelet she said her grandmother had given her.
CHLOE: What were you wearing?
TOM: Not so different than what I'm wearin' now. Pretty sure I was sportin' a bolo tie that day.
CHLOE: The envelope please.
Hunter hands her the envelope, she opens it, retrieves the 3" x 5" photograph she gives a good going-over before she hands it to Tom, who stares at the picture that matches his description exactly. The lake and mountains on the other side behind them under a cloudless blue sky. Her sunglasses hang from her sweater collar, his peek out from a shirt pocket. The bolo tie silver and turquoise. His hat is tipped back to show more face. Both with big smiles.
TOM: Funny.
HUNTER/CHLOE: What's funny?
TOM: Well, I think I read or heard somethin' about smell - scent - bein' yer strongest sense memory. Or memory sense. One ot the other or maybe neither.
CHLOE: It's the hippocampus part of your brain.
TOM: Is that it.
CHLOE: If it decides, for lack of a better word, that something about the smell is important - maybe it triggers something - it will store it. But back to what's funny.
TOM: Soon as I seen her face I smelled her lilac perfume. Like on a breeze. That's what's funny. Do you mind if I take a picture a this?
HUNTER: Of course not.
TOM: Wanda and Ruth'll wanna see this. Chloe, would ya mind holdin' it
Chloe takes the picture, holds it up against her shirt. Tom gets phone from pocket, takes the picture.
TOM (cont'd): Thank you.
CHLOE: My pleasure.
Tom pockets phone.
TOM: And thank you both more than I can properly express for this time together. Today was one a the best I've ever had and I won't ever forget a minute of it.
HUNTER: I think I can speak for both of us in assuring us we feel the same.
TOM: I'm happy for that. Goodnight, y'all.
Chloe hugs Tom, who betrays surprise, then warms into the embrace.
CHLOE: Goodnight, Tom.
Hunter approaches, opens arm to Tom. They embrace.
HUNTER: Goodnight, Tom.
They pat each other's backs.
HUNTER (CONT.) I'll be on the patio with coffee for sunrise if you're up early.
TOM: It's a date. I'll set my alarm.
Tom flashes a peace sign. Chloe and Hunter reciprocate.
TOM (CONT.) Olivia gave me the peace sign when we parted. Little trivia you may or may not have known.
HUNTER: We did not. Thank you.
TOM: Thank y'all.
HUNTER: Don't forget to sign the guest book if you haven't already.
TOM: I haven't, but I'm gonna.
Tom leaves into hall, takes the KNOCKING OF HIS BOOTS with him.
CHLOE: I'm gonna call mom.
HUNTER: I'll start popcorn.
She looks at the photograph.
CHLOE: Pretty good memory, huh?
HUNTER: Noted.
She winks, hands him the photo, leaves into hall. He stares at the photo, puts it in envelope, leaves into hall.