Sunday, July 7, 2024

scene 13



Tom's truck in the driveway. Down the road the Rover approaches from the direction Tom had come. The garage door opens, Rover arrives.


Hunter drives into garage, parks, turns off engine. Chloe keeps her eyes on the truck until the closing garage door obscures it from view. She looks to Hunter, who looks back. 

HUNTER: You know that he would not be here if I had the slightest sliver of a doubt.

CHLOE: Dad, you let a complete stranger with a pickup truck drop from the sky and occupy your house for three hours. 

Hunter smiles, nods.

CHLOE (CONT.): And I know mom wouldn't allow it unless she had absolute faith and trust in your judgment.

He kisses her forehead.

HUNTER: Ready?

CHLOE: Or not.

They unbuckle, exit Rover, enter house. 

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