A collector would covet the China plateware\in the elegant cabinet of the same wood as the table a master woodworker would admire. Framed painting of Edna Valley hills and vineyard on the opposite wall. View into adjacent kitchen that could be on the cover of a home decor magazine. Big window hilltop view to deck and handsome homes in rolling hills populated by oak trees.
BARBARA, 50-ish, fit, in fashionable track suit; JAN, mid-70s, in Martha Stewart casual; and JOHN, mid-70s, khaki slacks and polo shirt, sit at the table playing scrabble. A jeweler would appreciate Jan's wedding ring and John's gold band and watch. John observes the board, Jan rearranges her tiles, Barbara uses the S of a word to play LARIATS for a double-word score.
BARBARA: Twenty-six.
Jan writes down tbe score on a yellow legal pad.
JAN: And Barbara takes the lead.
JOHN: Speaking of lariats, sort of, do we know where horse day is taking place?
BARBARA: On land Jackie's family has northwest of Ruidoso, end quote.
JAN: Land and horses?
BARBARA: She has a cousin who manages one of the stables in the area. And something about involving teens at risk, the details of which I don't know. I'll get more when Chloe calls tonight.
BARBARA (cont.): Or ask Hunter right now.
(She picks up on the ZING OF RETURN.)
BARBARA (cont.): Hey there.
(John and Jan watch her face express the surprise of what she is hearing.)
BARBARA (cont.): Well, Hunter, I trust your instinct.
They're right here.
Alright. Oh, Hunter, if you're able, maybe take a picture?
(She sets down phone.)
JOHN: Cue drumroll.
JAN: Take a picture of what?
BARBARA: Whom. Tom Walker. He's at Hunter's house and spending the night.
(John and Jan shoot each other a look. Barbara looks at them. John finally uses the R in lariats to play ROUNDUPS, thus emptying his tile tray.)
JOHN (cont.) Seventy-seven.
(Jan marks the score. A long silence.)
JOHN (cont.): A middle name would be nice.