1. Night, Tom and Wanda in bed, Foglost, Hawaii.
2. Next morning, truck, Tom leaving, Wyoming plates.
3. Tom driving, enters Colorado, radio, Galveston.
4. Wanda with Daisy, re biodegradable urn, Tom's ringtone, call from ABQ motel room, monsoon clouds, Tom calls Ruth.
5. Next morning. Tom leaves ABQ motel.
6. Hunter, home office, Chloe pics, watch alarm, leaves into kitchen, bag, leaves.
7. Tom idling, Hunter's garage, Hunter, Tom drives away, Hunter watches.
8. Tom U-turn.
9. Hunter foyer, doorbell, Tom, Howdy, enter Tom.
10. John, Jan and Barbara, Hunter's call. Middle name.
11. Wanda and Daisy, Tom's call from Hunter's guest room.
12. Ruth with Gil re Maria and boys, Tom's call, hÃjole. Tom leaves room, framed in window to back yard.
13. Chloe and Hunter, airport parking lot.
14. Doc gets Hunter's picture of Tom's truck.
15. Tom's truck in Hunter's driveway, Hunter and Chloe arrive.
16. Intros, how Tom found him, etc. Chloe takes picture.
17. Sunset. Barbara and Brian re Tom and Olivia. Chloe's selfie.
18. Sunset. Jan and John, same selfie.
19. Patio post-dinner, re Horse Day.