Next day. Hunter leaves in the truck.
Chloe, Barbara, Jan and John, boat on Lake Nacimiento, re Ruth's husband and son.
Wanda amd Ruth re Daisy and storm. Truck engine sound, Hunter arrive.
Brian, his dad and son. R meeting the author of the books dad reads, re planned proposal to Barbara,.
Gil and Maria re "tomorrow."
Night. Hunter, Wanda and Ruth, table-talk re Gil.
Jackie at home gets call from Hunter in Ruth's guest room. Guest book. Hunter's laptop Tom screensaver.
Next day, sunrise, Barbara and Chloe, surfing.
Hunter, driving truck, with Wanda and Ruth on two-lane backroad. Arrive Gil's gate. M for Mendoza. Gil on deck, sound of truck engine, truck arrive. Maria and the boys watch through window.
Jan and John, re college deferment re Vietnam.
Fort Park, Hunter, Gil, the boys and ATV's. Maria's call.
Maria, Wanda and Ruth in kitchen, tamales, sound of ATV's, their arrival.
Doc 1 re Hunter's email and pics.
Night. Wanda, Ruth and Hunter on back porch with ice cream. Hunter's abridged back-story.
Gil with Bangkok pics, enter the boys. Sit down, let's talk.
Next morning. Hunter leaving. Ruth and Wanda re matinee at the Arcadia and calling Daisy.
Hunter driving, the flat, glove compartment, the manual, TX and WY fishing licenses. Hood of truck, the jack and spare.
John and Jan re Foglost bestseller. Re movie rights and Hunter moving.
Sess and Claire re Honda knot video.
Hunter, flat fixed, the impala and a man who could be Dale Walker inquiring re truck. Hunter, not for sale, was his father's and his before that.
Daisy at home, call from Wanda and Ruth.
Hunter arrive home, boots and hat, guestbook, teardrop.
Doc 2.
Leaving Laramie.
Epilogue. Chloe birthday truck. Drives away with grams and gramps.