Thursday, July 11, 2024

scene 15



Curtains open, window to modest back yard with an umbrella shading two chairs at a small table. Cedar fence. FAINT SONG OF WESTERN MEADOWLARK before WE HEAR A DOOR OPENED AND CLOSED moments before Wanda enters from hall, dressed as she was with Daisy. She goes to the book on Tom's nightstand, a grey hardcover with the title, Foglost, in silver on the cover. A ribbon marks a page nearer the end than beginning. She opens the book and finds the author page featuring a small black and white photograph of Hunter above the text:

"H.C Hardyn is the author two other novels, ________, and _________, and a collection of short stories, ____________."

She stares until her PHONE CHIRPS, gets it from pocket, stares at what we see OVER HER SHOULDER is a selfie Tom has taken that includes Hunter where they sit at the patio table looking at the camera clearly held away from Tom in his right hand. Hunter wears Tom's hat. She shakes her head, pockets phone, closes book, leaves into hall.

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