Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Act 1

We meet Tom and Wanda in bed at night and are introduced to Foglost and Hawaii.

Tom leaves the next morning in the truck, Wyoming plates.

Credits over Tom driving open highway through ranchland populated by cattle and surrounded by distant mountains.

We meet Gil in his great room, reading Foglost. The boys through the window in the woods. Maria in re Tom and Wanda. Gil re no Wanda and the move.

Wanda with Daisy re move, brick and back yard. WYO theatre, gets call from Tom in ABQ motel room, sunset. Tom calls Ruth, leaves message, starts bath.

Tom leaves Yucca Blossom motel, sunrise.

Tom driving Hunter's 'hood, Organ Mountains, GPS, the turn.

Hunter home office, Organ Mountains, Chloe picture and screensaver. Hunter leave in to kitchen, leaves with trash.

Ext. Hunter's house. Range Rover in the open garage. Bin near the mailbox. Tom's truck arrives. Tom idles, takes picture with phone just as Hunter enters garage from house, trash in hand. Tom drives away, Hunter watches truck turn out of view behind neighbor's house. Hunter enters house.

Tom, idling, makes a U-turn.

Hunter, foyer, doorbell, Tom on porch, truck near bin. Hunter opens door, Howdy my name is Tom Walker. How Tom found address, Tom enter. How Tom found out about him re Olivia's obituary. Hunter re out the door to airport for daughter. Tom: Yessir.

Meet Barbara, Jan and John. Hunter's call. "They're right here." "Tom Walker from Texas is at Hunter's house. He's spending the night and leaving in the morning."

Wanda with Daisy gets call and news from Tom in Hunter's guest room. Tom calls Ruth with Gil. Hijole. Tom leaves room, self-tour of Hunter's house, then to low stone wall, where he lights a cigarette.

Hunter, driving, and Chloe: "And I was nervous about meeting Jackie." 

Hunter and Chloe arrive at Hunter's, truck in driveway. Garage talk.

Tom on patio, Hunter and Chloe arrive. Intros. Chloe excuses herself. Hunter's questions, Tom's answers, Hunter to kitchen for water, exchange with Chloe, Hunter out, Chloe takes picture of Tom and Hunter sitting across from each other.

Barbara with Brian re Tom and Olivia. Chloe's selfie.

Jan and John, sunset, re getting Tom's middle name, Barb's forwarded Chloe selfie.

Hunter, Chloe, Tom, night, post-dinner. Thunder, monsoon season and rain in ABQ. Tom re Hawaii, surfing, excuses self to call Ruth and Wanda and get on to bed. Hunter re coffee in the morning. Another horse? Hunter calls Jackie. 

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