Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Act 3: beats 39 - 76/Epilogue

39. Hunter's dream.

40. Kitchen, coffee, Tom reveal, tells Chloe.

41. Wanda with Daisy gets Hunter's call.

42. Ruth gets Wanda's call.

43. Gil with Maria gets Ruth's call.

44. Hunter and Chloe watch coroner truck drive away.

45. Barbara, John, Jan, Brian on golf course. Barb gets Hunter's call. "Chloe's coming home."

46. Jackie gets Hunter's call.

47. Hunter and Chloe.

48. Wanda and Daisy, Laramie airport.

49. Gil and Ruth.

50. Doc gets Hunter's call.

51. Chloe, Barbara, Jan, John driving. Hunter's itinerary re Kerrville.

52. Gil, Ruth, Wanda.

53. Night. Hunter and Jackie in bed.

54. Next day. Hunter leaving in the truck. Sunglasses.

55. Brian with his dad, son, re meeting Hunter re - surprise - marrying Barbara.

56. Wanda and Ruth, Hunter arrive.

57. Chloe, Barbara, Ruth, John, boat, Lake Nacimiento. What do we know about Ruth? Chloe ties a Honda knot.

58. Gil with Maria re "tomorrow." 

59. Night. Wanda, Ruth, Hunter, table talk, Paso Robles wine.

60. Chloe in her room watching Tom video gets call from Hunter in Ruth's guest room. .

61. Next day. Ruth, Wanda, Hunter driving. Re Gil, arrive Mendoza gate.

62. Gil on deck. Truck engine, arrive. Maria and the boys watch intros through window.

63. Fort Park. Hill Country mesa view. Hunter, Gil, the boys, ATV's. Family history, the land re G.I. Bill, his father and uncles. World War 2, Vietnam, his photos. Lunch call.

64. Maria, Wanda and Ruth in the kitchen. The ATV's. 

65. John and Jan re when in Austin.

66. Night. Wanda, Ruth, Hunter, rai, thunder, Ruth's peach ice cream, Hunter's backstory.

67. Gil in den,. Bangkok selfies. 

68. Next day. Hunter leaves in truck.

69. Hunter driving. Flat. Glove compartment. Manual, registration and insurance, WY and TX fishing licenses.

70. Barbara and Chloe. 

71.  Flat fixed.  Assistance. "My father's last truck."

72. Hunter's guest room. Enter Hunter with boots and hat. The guest book.

73. Doc. Re Hawaii.

74. Leaving Laramie.

75. Hawaii.

76. Chloe birthday truck.


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