Tuesday, February 18, 2025

scene 19


Silence until:

A RAINBOW TROUT jumps out of the lake, its landing splash wrinkles the lake's glassy surface.

Pause before:

DAISY: Tom and Gil going fishing?

WANDA: Yes. Gil bought a boat.

DAISY: Oh boy.  

WANDA: Maria and the boys are up. Everyone’s going out on the lake Thursday.

DAISY:  She sent the most wonderful card.

WANDA: She’s a sweetheart.

DAISY: So I’ve decided on the first location for the first of his ashes.

She tells Wanda about the biodegradable urn and where she’ll place it. Wants Tom and Wanda to b e present.

TOM’S RINGTONE, Wanda picks up, re where she Daisy are and Tom calling from ABQ MOTEL ROOM. 

Tom calls RUTH, leaves voicemail, starts BATH.

silly interlude re benefit of one more edit


"Subtly penetrating means becoming part of something, or someone. It describes all-pervading influences, like the wind shaping the landscape.

You penetrate subtly by feeling your way into things, yielding gently to their nature. You shift your own ideas and expectations, and come to understand the situation from inside, on its own terms. And so, as you allow things to shape you, you also reach a place where you can shape them. The old Chinese character for 'Subtly Penetrating' shows a stand bearing the official seals a ruler would bestow on those he trusted. Someone who bows down and accepts a seal is submitting to the order of things, entering in and receiving his place within it. Then his seal, sign of personal authenticity, endows him with influence and the power to 'make his mark'.

Final Draft talkinamyself

Kinda Big Changes in Form, re where things are now, but Tone clearer and cleaner from such late-stage alterations in course, mostly related to reduction re trimming extraneous. Final will reflect weight loss.

A good assignment in this regard will be yet another edit re beats.

A sense of now that i know Story i can tell it better.

Blah blah, just a note for The Record.