Friday, February 28, 2025

Sess and Claire dialogue

CLAIRE: When and where did they meet?

SESS: Bar in Denver airport. Then had seats next to each other on the flight to A-B-Q.


SESS: Right? Four weeks ago yesterday.

CLAIRE: First date? 

SESS: A week later. Matinee of Giant at the Plaza, dinner at Rosa's. She drove.

CLAIRE: What does Hunter do?

SESS: Writer.


SESS: Two novels and a book of short stories.

CLAIRE: What's his last name?

SESS: Hardyn. With a Y.

CLAIRE: Might his most recent novel be titled Foglost?

Sound of its engine before the Rover comes into view. 

SESS: It might. 

Jackie waves through window. Sess and Claire rise and walk to the Rover where Hunter parks. The four get out, Tom puts on his hat, Jackie waves.     

CLAIRE: That's him. That's H C Hardyn.

SESS: Yep.

CLAIRE: My dad's gonna piss.

SESS: I'm through three of his dozen short stories.

CLAIRE: Who's the cowboy?

SESS: Surprise visitor, end quote.

CLAIRE: Kinda exudes real deal.

SESS: Right? 

CLAIRE: Jackie is glowing.

SESS: I noticed.

Jackie leads Hunter, Tom and Chloe to Sess and Claire, opers her arms to Claire, who reciprocates.

JACKIE: What a wonderful surprise. 

CLAIRE: Happened to be in the neighborhood.

Jackie and Claire embrace.

JACKIE: But what happened with Farmington?

CLAIRE: Found her a forever home. Beautiful story I'll save for later.

JACKIE: I'm so happy to hear it.

Jackie and Sess embrace and kiss each other on the cheek.

SESS: Been awhile.

JACKIE: Too long. So, introductions. Hunter, Tom and Chloe, it is my pleasure to introduce to my cousin Cecilia and Claire.

Handshakes and good to meet yous.

SESS: And Sess is fine. Tom, I don't know a thing about your horseback experience but I'd bet this isn't your first rodeo.

TOM: No ma'am, it ain 't.     

JACKIE: Literally.

SESS: Really?

JACKIE: I'll let Tom elaborate if he wants to, and apologize, Tom, if I you'd rather I had kept that in my pocket.'.

TOM: Oh no, that's alright.. Some barrels when I was a kid and ropin' in my teens. 

JACKIE: Sess would never bring it up but she's got a few buckles of her own. Sorry, cuz.

SESS: Aw, shucks.

CLAIRE: Maybe we'll bring the barrels out before the day's over.

SESS: I don't know about that. Speaking of the day, you've probably mentioned what we're doing here with the kids and horses.

JACKIE: Check.

TOM: And it's a wonderful thing.

SESS: We hope so. Work in progress just off the ground. So, speaking of the kids and horses, why don't we go meet them and saddle up.  

JACKIE: Let's.

Sess, Claire and Jackie lead Tom, Hunter and Chloe to the horses and kids.



The six on horseback enter, move through frame fanned out as if a search party, leave frame.]

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