1. Night. Tom and Wanda, Foglost, Hawaii.
2. Sunrise. Tom leaves in truck w/WY plates.
3. Credits over Tom driving, enter Colorado, radio music.
4. Gil, Maria, the boys. Re Tom and Wanda move, Foglost and Hunter's blurb and Organ Mountains.
5. Sunset. Wanda and Daisy. Tom's call from ABQ motel. Tom leaves Ruth VM.
6. Sunrise. Tom leave ABQ motel lot.
7. John (driving), Jan, Barbara, Chloe, re Jackie and Horse Day.
8. Hunter home office, kitchen, recycle bag.
9. Tom arrive at Hunter's, garage door open, Range Rover, Hunter out, Tom drives away.
10. Tom's U-turn.
11. Hunter foyer, Tom front door, Howdy, Tom enters.
12. John, Jan and Barbara's call from Hunter.
13. Wanda and Daisy, Tom's call from Hunter's guest room, Tom calls Ruth (with peaches in Fredericksburg?), leaves room.
14. Tom's self-guided tour of Hunter's house, arrives at patio table, takes selfie (with Organ Mountains) that he sends to GIL.
15. Gil receives that selfie. Hijole.
16. Hunter and Chloe.
17. Barbara and Brian, re Tom and Olivia.
18. Hunter and Chloe arrive, intros, how Tom found him.
19. John and Jan, a middle name.
20. Wanda and Ruth Facetime.
21. Night. Hunter, Chloe, Tom, re Hawaii and Wanda. Excuses himself. Chloe and Hunter about another horse. Hunter calls Jackie.
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