Saturday, March 8, 2025

act 1 beats in wet cement

1. Night. Tom and Wanda, Foglost, Hawaii.

2. Sunrise. Tom leaves in truck w/WY plates.

3. Credits over Tom driving, enter Colorado, radio music.

4. Gil, Maria, the boys. Re Tom and Wanda move, Foglost and Hunter's blurb and Organ Mountains. 

5. Sunset. Wanda and Daisy. Tom's call from ABQ motel. Tom leaves Ruth VM.

6. Sunrise. Tom leave ABQ motel lot.

7. John (driving), Jan, Barbara, Chloe, re Jackie and Horse Day.

8. Hunter home office, kitchen, recycle bag.

9. Tom arrive at Hunter's, garage door open, Range Rover, Hunter out, Tom drives away.

10. Tom's U-turn.

11. Hunter foyer, Tom front door, Howdy, Tom enters.

12. John, Jan and Barbara's call from Hunter. 

13. Wanda and Daisy, Tom's call from Hunter's guest room, Tom calls Ruth (with peaches in Fredericksburg?), leaves room.

14. Tom's self-guided tour of Hunter's house, arrives at patio table, takes selfie (with Organ Mountains) that he sends to GIL.

15. Gil receives that selfie. Hijole.

16. Hunter and Chloe.

17. Barbara and Brian, re Tom and Olivia.

18. Hunter and Chloe arrive, intros, how Tom found him.

19. John and Jan, a middle name.

20. Wanda and Ruth Facetime.

21. Night. Hunter, Chloe, Tom, re Hawaii and Wanda. Excuses himself. Chloe and Hunter about another horse. Hunter calls Jackie.  

Friday, March 7, 2025

silly interlude how i'be best brought this Story to this point

silly interludes increasing as i near the end of this blog and beginning Final, probably next week after setting beats in wet cement tomorrow and stepping away to let it gestate.


The Superior Man shares his thoughts and feelings.

silly interlude re The Ticket dream

It's daytime, I'm trying to get somewhere, though I don't recall knowing where/what. But I do know that I am aggravated with the changes in direction re how-to-get-there I am encountering and the delay involved.

Then I come.across a woman who exudes in every way Glinda, the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz. She notes my frustration and tells me, just as Glinda encourages Dorothy "you know you have the ticket." A beat before she continues, "you know you're going to get there."

(Affirmation tingle as I write this.)

End of dream.

Posted here because I know this screenplay is that ticket, pardon my (ever wavering) confidence. 

And other dreams also involving the ticket to a flight, thinking/fearing I don't have it, then realizing I do. 


Thursday, March 6, 2025

silly interlude re fatigue revisited


i'll finish this - i have to - but jeeezuss i'm so tired of it.  

Other titles: Exhaustion, The Symbol of Repression and Confinement, Adversity, Weariness, Confining, Entangled, Hardship, Depression, Tiresome Restriction, Dried Up


silly interlude re the challenge Life presents the Artist


'Heaven and earth do not interact: Blocked.
A noble one uses his strengths sparingly to avoid hardship.
He does not allow himself honours and payment.' 

"You can have a soaring imaginative concept of the creative possibilities here; you can have the will to be true to that concept and carry it through. You're not doing anything wrong; the problem is that these creative possibilities are just not available when things are Blocked. Small concerns dominate. The adaptive response is not to strive constantly to rise to a higher level, but to focus your attention on the small details – the immediate, uninspiring reality."

mountain meadow: Sess and Claire



They near where the meadow meets the woods.



CLAIRE: Any guess on the cowboy's relation to Hunter other than surprise visitor? 

SESS: A wild one.

CLAIRE: Bet it's the same as mine. 

SESS: Bet you're right. 

CLAIRE: And makes you wonder, if that's the case, why he wouldn't be introduced as such?

SESS (beat): Yes. 

CLAIRE: Do you think Jack knows?

SESS: I do. I'll ask.

CLAIRE: I'm going to ask if she thinks Hunter will be okay with being in a selfie to send to my dad. 

SESS: Well she'll be the one calling for the group photo somewhere along the way.     

They arrive at the woods, turn their horses to face Jackie and Chloe nearing, Tom and Hunter the same behind them. Jackie and Chloe arrive.

SESS: How we doin?



JACKIE: A color on three.

CHLOE: On three.


SESS: One two three.


CLAIRE: Oh boy.

CHLOE: A letter.





Tom and Hunter arrive.    

HUNTER: I smell alphabet soup. 

CHLOE: Jackie and I are in jinx mode.

JACKIE: One more.

CHLOE: Have to.

JACKIE: Your call.

Chloe considers. The HAWK CALL aims all eyes to the red-tail flying over them then out of view. 

CHLOE: A bird that is not a hawk.

SESS: On tweet.


They wink at each other. Tom and Hunter exchange a glance.

SESS: Claire.

CLAIRE: Buhgawk, chirp, tweet.

CHLOE/JACKIE: Eagle/dove. 


TOM: Rose.

Hunter looks at Tom.

HUNTER: Fisted glove. 

CLAIRE: And if you can't be with the one you love, honey.

SESS/JACKIE/TOM/HUNTER: Love the one you're with.

All smile. Hunter extends the fist-bump that Tom reciprocates.

CHLOE: That was cool.

Jackie and Sess look at each other.

JACKIE/SESS: Way cool.

CLAIRE: Maybe charades with lunch?

SESS: I'm down. 

JACKIE: And speaking of lunch, the uphill to get to it offers a view of the mountain that I think will be a wonderful backdrop for a group photo.  

Sess winks at Claire, who smiles.

SESS: Great idea, Jack. Lead the way?

Jackie sets her horse in motion into the woods, the rest follow, leave view. FAINT WOODPECKER KNOCKING.

silly interlude re a recent post re Waiting


sillyridiculous me.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

silly interlude re Waiting for Veronica


Good Question:

"What the hell does Veronica have to do with this blog?" 

The Answer:

A little bit, per my sense of things. (And, my blog, my ridiculous indulgence.)

This post will disappear tomorrow so take a picture, V. 


silly interlude re Confidence in this



silly interlude re mountain meadow


mountain meadow: jackie and chloe



JACKIE: Have you been to Tucson?

CHLOE: Two airport layovers. You?

JACKIE: I'm there a few times a year to see a friend. 

CHLOE: Where did you go to school?

JACKIE: U N M undergrad, University of Washington for my Masters.

CHLOE: Albuquerque and Seattle.


CHLOE: Why Washington?

JACKIE: Great program and my ex-husband. How much a factor is location? 

CHLOE: It matters. 

JACKIE: Weather?

CHLOE: Weather, culture, basic vibe. It isn't like cold and snow are a deal-killer. I liked Boulder and they have a pre-vet program. But I'm not even close to sure about that. We'll see. Not a big rush.

JACKIE: And nice to have options.

CHLOE: For sure. 

JACKIE: Cal Poly in the running?

CHLOE: No. I do know I don't want to stay home.   My mom wouldn't mind and my grandparents would be happy if I did but I need change. Which they understand and officially encourage. 

JACKIE: Where did your grandparents go to school?

CHLOE: Gramps grew up in Indiana and went to I U for undergrad. Grams grew up in Virginia, undergrad at U V. They met in law school at Berkeley. Maybe later I could ask you a few questions about U W and Seattle.

JACKIE: Of course. That's on the radar?

CHLOE:  Yeah. 

JACKIE: Give me your email and I'll write up a report.

CHLOE: Cool. Thanks.

JACKIE: My pleasure. It rains a little.

CHLOE: So I've heard.  



Tuesday, March 4, 2025

silly interlude re Queen of Nanamimo


I reckon 40 years qualifies as Lasting. 

mountain meadow: hunter and tom


Sess and Claire on horseback are the first to ride out of the woods into the meadow, followed by Jackie and Chloe, twenty yards behind them, then Hunter and Tom, at a similar distance.


TOM: How often do you get to see her?

HUNTER: Every spring break, every other Christmas, the last three weeks of her summer vacation and I'll go out there for an occasional weekend.

TOM: Where do ya fly into? 

HUNTER: Los Angeles or Oakland.  

TOM: Where do ya stay?

HUNTER: Hotel downtown.  

TOM: You and Barbara on good terms?

HUNTER: Yes. And she's the best mother I could wish for Chloe.

TOM: What does she do, if ya don't mind me askin'.

HUNTER: She's a photographer and teaches a class at Cal Poly. 

TOM: How 'bout her parents?

HUNTER: John and Jan, retired attorneys in Paso Robles. 

TOM: Well that ain't too far from San Luis Obispo, is it?

HUNTER: Half an hour. She takes the train up and back about every other weekend, or they come down.

TOM: In good health?

HUNTER: Yes. They swim and play golf.

TOM: Barbara have any siblings?

HUNTER: Nope. Only child. Engaged to be married on Valentine's Day.

TOM: You know the fella.

HUNTER: We met once. Brian. Residential architect. Good guy. Great with Chloe. 

TOM: You mentioned y'all won't be here in a week.

HUNTER: We're meeting the U of A softball coach in Tucson.

TOM: I reckon she's got a few scholarship offers.

HUNTER: A couple dozen.

TOM: Does she have a field of study in mind? A major? 

HUNTER: Not yet but recent mention of veterinary.  

TOM: My best friend's daughter-in-law is a veterinarian.

HUNTER: What's your best friend's name?

TOM: Gil. For Guillermo.

HUNTER: How long have you known Gil?

TOM: Since fourth grade.

HUNTER: Does Gil know about me?

TOM: He does. Just him, Ruth and Wanda.

HUNTER: Where does he live?

TOM: The house he built outside Medina, Texas.

HUNTER: He knows you're here.

TOM: He does. Sent him a selfie from your patio table. He's finishin' up Foglost, too. Hunter, wouldja mind if I took another with you in it?

HUNTER: Of course not. You'll have to send it to me, of course. How do I stop my horse?

TOM: When's the last time you was on one?

HUNTER: That Grand Canyon mule ride. 

TOM: Before that?

HUNTER: Pony ride at the county fair when I was five.

TOM: What county?

HUNTER: Orange, California.

TOM: Is that where ya grew up?

HUNTER: Yep. Have you been?

TOM: No. How many times have ya been to Disneyland?

HUNTER: A few, when I was a kid.

TOM: Chloe?

HUNTER: Once. Her tenth birthday weekend. 

Silence but for FAINT BIRDSONG.

TOM: So I'm thinkin' if ya apply some leg pressure, sorta gradually squeezin, and hold your reins right about your waist and tug with a verbal whoa or ho, she'll prob'ly hold up. And maybe sit up straight and lean back just a little.

Hunter does exactly as instructed and the horse halts. Tom guides his horse next to Hunter's, stops with a slight tug and cluck sound. He gets phone from shirt pocket, takes the selfie, pockets the phone.

TOM (CONT.): Thank you, Hunter. 

HUNTER: My pleasure.

TOM: A little calf pressure and a giddyup or go'll prob'ly get her goin'.

HUNTER: Giddyup.

His horse resumes moving forward. Tom's double-cluck moves his horse into forward motion.

silly interlude re taking this screenplay Seriously


i mean it?


Monday, March 3, 2025

silly interlude re late-change addition of John driving, Jan, Barbara and Chloe to aiprort

More late-stage Rubik's Cubing re what will liKely be scene 7, following Tom's departure from ABQ motel lot.   

North on 1, Monterey Bay out the window, John at the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz G-Class wagon. 

Exposition re Jackie and Horse Day. 

Other titles: The Symbol of Addition, Gain, Augmenting, Benefit, Advantage, Profit, Expansion

Location, Location:
